Copyright © 1981–TBD by/&/or for &/or through le Catalogue Raisonné &/or the Estate of the Artist FKA Brandon Neal Jones℠ &/or Mister Jones℠ &/or Prof Jacqueline Persephone Cox℠ &/or Miss Jackie P. Cox℠ &/or Ms. Cox℠ (if you’re NASTY!) AKA℠ &/or “The Site”℠ &/or #H8OKST8℠ &/or Orange Is NOT/NEVER the Answer &/or America’s MOST DISGUSTING Orange &/or FACESPACE4TWITS&TWATS℠ &/or BureauCunts℠, (Learning Idiots More Better since 1981)℠, PiggieCrats℠, IgnoSheeples℠, DINOs℠ / RINOs / totes forgot what this was about, oh yeah! AKA je suis le caméléon℠, louche℠, chelou℠, LOUCHEart℠, LOUCHEadventures℠, Abby T.℠, or just toe-head℠ – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – unless those alleged rights are held elsewhere, bien sûr ! Entonces, go & fuck yourself and don’t you ever forget to have yourself a blessed day! Oh, and no matter what any of these stupid, fucking, cunt, BureauCrat Worthless-Pieces-of-Shit Douchebags ever tell you … NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE FIRST AMENDMENT!
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